What Is Holding You Back?

You set goals, you do the obligatory affirmations, perhaps you ve even started doing afformations instead, yet nothing changes. Or worse yet something changes for like a minute, in the realm of things, but life goes back to the same old cycle of struggle, struggle, struggle. Boom and bust. What is holding you back? Why do you keep going through these cycles? I have been reading a life changing book by Margaret Lynch. Margaret is a chemical engineer by trade who gave up the corporate world to help people solve their money problems with EFT, tapping if you will. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) has been around for awhile. It is an proven way to clear emotional issues that keep you stuck in ruts, even ruts you aren t consciously aware of.  Some what akin to acupuncture, you lightly tap on pressure points to disrupt the energy associated with the emotion you are feeling around different aspects of your life. Before reading this book, Tapping Into Wealth, I sort of understood what tappin
